Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Sometimes, enough is too much. 

My poor little car was sitting out in the parking lot when a nasty, horrible, no-good, very bad hail storm came up and decided to pelt it and create dents.  This makes me sad.

On the bright side, it didn't break any windows in the condo or the car like we thought it would...

But, sometimes, you just don't want to look on the bright side.  In fact, I'm going to let myself be mopey.  I don't usually do that.

I do usually let myself eat chocolate, though, and I now plan on eating copious amounts of Oreos. 

Or maybe just four, so I don't feel too bad. 

Curse you, hail!

1 comment:

  1. Boo! I'm so sorry! Maybe you should come over. :) Coffee and hugs are my response to everything. You are always welcome. And Gooner gives AMAZING kisses.
