Monday, November 21, 2011


I'm thankful for:
 - a God Who loves me just the way I am, even though I'm an impatient, controlling turd sometimes.

 - a husband who loves me just the way I am, even though I'm an impatient, controlling turd sometimes.

 - a mom who shows me how much she loves me constantly with quality time, kind words, and food.

 - a dad who is patient and appreciates my patience.

 - a cat who wakes me up at 4am almost every day to remind me how much I love him and that I probably miss him and should definitely pet him for a while until he's satisfied.

 - a beautiful home which is full of light, love, and fun fall decorations.

 - the ability to buy and store said decorations.

 - a job that forces me to make an impact on lots of lives; it's up to me to make it a positive one.

 - teenagers who keep me on my toes and make me go gray and stay young all at the same time. 

 - an aunt (technically Shawn's) who drives all the way to Colorado from Missouri to hang out for Thanksgiving.

 - buying 8 different kinds of cheese in preparation for said celebration.

 - a computer with a serious lack of pictures so I have a good reason for a pictureless post.  :-)

 - friends who allow me to be who I am, even though I can be quite odd.

 - laughter.

 - tears.

 - Netflix, which has robbed me of social interaction recently.

 - Pandora.  I don't even remember what it's like to buy a CD.

 - a church home which makes up for its imperfections with its huge heart.

 - friends who do The Baby Thing before us so they can teach us later (much later)

 - the financial stability to host Thanksgiving and consume lots of cheese and sugar.

 - wine.

 - worship music, though I sometimes want to strangle someone when they repeat the same 3 words over and over and over and over.

 - a husband who works hard at work and at being a stellar husband.

 - you, my reader, for reading through all this and making my counter go up by one.  Pretty thrilling.  :-)

What are you most thankful for?