Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Planning Ahead

Part of me is in total disbelief that we're buying a house!  And not just any house, but one we're super excited about!  When we started to talk about possibly having two mortgage payments, I felt a cautiousness, but not a fear.  God has so clearly opened doors for us in this process, and I feel we have His blessing.  I know He'll give us a renter at the right time.  Not to say that His time runs on my timetable, but He always helps out before it's too late. 

The one thing that really sucks about right now is that we have forty days before we take possession of it!  That's long enough to get things fixed up around here, show it to potential tenents, pack more slowly, plan for moving, save up a bit more, etc.  However, it's also long enough to wonder what to pack and go crazy waiting to move in to the house!  I'm ready already!  We've already had to unpack a few boxed to find some books, and I do NOT want to have to do that each time.  Yuck.  I guess Christmas stuff, quilts, winter clothes, etc. are safe, but I still wonder.  Shawn, on the other hand, is all, "How many boxes have we packed today?  It's not a productive day until we've packed two or three!"  Ok, maybe he doesn't actually say that, but that's what's implied by his dire need to pack.  I think the cats may wake up in a cardboard box some morning because he's so stinkin' efficient.  I hope he leaves some air holes!

(I theenk we need a beeger box!)

Anyway, that's one of the things I love and appreciate about my husband: he plans ahead.  If I had to move all this stuff by myself, I would be up until midnight every night for three days before the move, packing frantically and feeling guilty and stressed.  Shawn, on the other hand, was asking if people had boxes to give away before we even found our house.  Now, that's efficient.

While his efficiency sometimes drive me nuts, I am very thankful for it.  He's helped me work toward becoming a grown-up in some of those ways!  I can't say I'm always on time to things, but I know where I'm supposed to be most of the time, which is a huge deal.  Tehe. 

At the end of July, when we (finally!) get to move into the house, I'll be thanking my lucky stars we started early, I'm sure. 

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