Friday, September 9, 2011

This Weekend.

Wow.  This is one packed weekend.  Tomorrow morning, we watch my dad get married to a woman we met on Monday. 

Yes, we decided to go.  No, we're not excited or approving.  We do, however, love my dad despite some choices and know the hurt we felt when someone chose not to go to our wedding.  We're praying this ends up being good someday.  Praying often.

Tomorrow night, we get to relax with friends and stop thinking about all the stressful stuff for a while.  There may will be wine.

Sunday is the tenth annivesary of 9/11 my birthday!  We're hanging out with my mom, which will be great. 

So, yeah.  That's the weekend. 

It's been really, really, really sad not to have Rocket around.  That cat was so crotchety sometimes, but so stinkin' awesome the rest of the time.  While I feel relieved that he isn't uncomfortable anymore, my heart still hurts.  I've gotten past the part where I walk in the house and start crying because he doesn't come out to say hi, but it took a while.  Onyx is more verbal and much more lovey-dovey since Rocky's been gone.  I think he misses their playtimes and cuddling. 

One of Rocket's few aggressive-play days!  Love the fluffed tail...

It's weird to feel this loss more insistently than, say, losing my grandma.  I've decided pets are just...different.  I talked to my grandma every so often, but Rocket was waiting for me to get home; he yelled at me when I didn't go to bed quickly enough; he purred really loudly in my face when we cuddled while we fell asleep; he needed his special food and his blood testing and his shots, and we were the only ones who could do that; he hid in so many spots in the new house, I can't help but feel a little twinge when I open a cupboard or closet door. 

It's just amazing how much of an impact an animal can have on a life.  That's all. 

During this season of life - especially this weekend -  I sure could use his sweet presence and crotchetiness to help lower my blood pressure.


  1. Heck there will be wine. But I think I may just look at it and not drink it this weekend. Last weekend made my liver sad.

    It's weird how we feel their absence so intensely. I think I've said all the things regarding that though. Yeti kept me up all night. He kept slapping me in the face with his tail and meowing hoarsely at me. I wanted to choke him...but now he's all curled up and it makes my heart squeeze a little.

  2. So is it wrong to ask if you are going to go and get another pet? The place near where we live is waiving the adoption fee the month of October! Losing a pet is SUPER hard.
